Why is this set of named Atabey? She’s a Taino mythological figure regarded as the first woman and worshipped as the zemi of water, disasters, love and fertility.

Anyways, how are you feeling right this moment? If you’re feeling some negative emotions, I have something that may help. Here are some Emotional Regulation Flow

This is the public facing version of my Obsidian vault - Secondbrain. I’ll move all learning and goaling in public notes to here. In my private vault, I have my life segmented into 9 sectors: Physical, Mental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Organisational, Recreational, Social, Spiritual

🛠️ None of these links are guaranteed to be populated as yet. The graph to the right will show the notes that are here and connected. I’m going to focus on populating pages that are related to my /now goals. To make it easier on me, I’ll link them here:

⚔️ I may also go on some sidequests! Right now I’m looking into: Gut Health, Palestinian Genocide, Sudanese Genocide, Congolese Genocide, Make a Solar Oven

Things to work on

not done